What is the difference between coconut yogurt vs regular yogurt?

It's all down to preference. Yogurt is made by adding lactic bacteria starters (cultures) to milk. Regular yogurt is made with cow's milk, coconut yogurt is made with coconut milk.

Both yogurt contain healthy amounts of probiotics and vitamins to keep your gut healthy!


How often do you make?

We make every week. To ensure that everyone gets a fresh batch, we operate based on pre orders. Cutoff for pre orders is every Wednesday 9pm, and we dispatch it on Saturday.


How much yogurt can I eat?

Every body reacts differently. We recommend to start off with 2-3 spoonful of coconut yogurt to test and build up from there. We understand that for some it's so tempting to eat the entire jar in one go, but that may also shock your tummy! Try to eat at most 200ml of yogurt in one day (the small jar).


Is this keto friendly?

It depends how strict you are with your keto diet.

The Classic Coconut contains natural sugar from the coconut milk itself. We don't put additional sugar. It's a rough approximate of 6g per 200ml, but over time the content lessens because the yogurt bacteria feeds on the natural sugar and makes it tart.

The flavoured yogurts have additional sugar.


Where is this made?

Haz and I make this in our home kitchen


Is this plant based?



Are you gluten-free?



How long does your yogurt last?

Since we don't put preservatives, the shelf life is 2 weeks. We have a best consume by date on the label to help remind you.

Always remember to seal the jar tightly after opening, keep it chilled (and lessen the temperature fluctuation), refrain from double dipping and it should be a-ok!


Do you recycle?

Yes! Let us know on your next order if you wish to return the used jars. It's less P10 per small jar returned and less P15 per large jar returned. But if you wish to reuse the glass jars at home, please do so.


Is this safe for pregnant women and kids?

Please consult with your doctor as they know your body best. Though based on several client's feedback, they are quite happy taking our yogurt during their pregnancy and breastfeeding journey.